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pee chun
and ani games wif 1 or 2 frens
studying sux

transmutation circle

ani games wif 1 or more frens
study SUX

equilvalant trade

Nintendo Wii
As for H2s


kok sang(ks)
jing xian
teo huei
xun kai
hui xiang
cai hua

May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
October 2006
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008

Monday, July 28, 2008

never thought i would be back here so soon...
actually... few days ago...
wanna blog...
abt something more positive
but now...
for viewer discretion pls proceed to ur url bar and type www.youtube

homework is flooding... not surprised...
24 hrs are not enough...
not getting aniwhere in GP... but i hav no freaking idea wat to do abt it
even if i try reading newspaper
i don think it's of ani help
it would be more of a help of they were simplified
sometimes wonder y newspaper use chim english
make it such tat they a re not friendly at all
i mean
if newspaper are for public, shouldnt they be understandable

econ... another thing...
not i wanna giv up on it
jus tat there toooo little time for econ
same for GP
haiz... so ultimately
i will fail GP and econ
and say byebye to UNI
i think i hav better chance going to UNI via poly route... at least noENGLISH to care

now a new problem surface... PQ...
already bad at writing
den hav to write abt self
and worse off...
i m not a good person to begin wif
how to write abt something to sell myself
sianz... the sch sux lah...
suddenly say LET us write our own stuff... within short? time and totally no help provided... some CCA teachers are for fuck... wonder sch y waste money hire them...
might as well employ young and ambitions de...
STOP forcing me le...
i don wanna hurt myself again
dammit u all go try lah...
1 week... walk oso pain
sit oso pain
sneeze oso pain
olni way to stop pain:
lie down... meaning cannot study
dammit... not as if i wan the class to fail...
not as if i wanna fail...
i tried my best...

so far i don hav love issue
which... in a sense oso very sad...

sometimes i hate
when ask someone question
den someone reply: u dunno meh
i mean, i dunno den i ask mah, u dunno meh?
den finish asking or before asking say u noob
erm... i dunno does it applies to me since seldom ppl ask me question...

this world...
everyone practice double standards and sterotyping... ironically...
dammit... life if great... but education SUX...
wat for singapore need so many nerds...
i rather spent 4 years in NS... at least i wont grow white hair from running...

haiz... i jus hav too many desire
dammit... i will leave the good things next time

if got next time///



Friday, July 11, 2008

loooong time never blog
mid year has ended
results have returned
B for maths
C for phy
E for chem
U for GP
nth for econ...
i would say...
i almost got B for phy
and i passed chem
i was lucky for maths
and GP sux...
but the worst of all
is econ and tat bitch
so... tat's all for mid year...

hmm... so for this week
played alot... for someone who's taking A lvl soon...
hmm... dunno wat to talked abt
erm... the most recent event
yesterday went to watch movie
the doggy one... and the 10 promises
with yi chuan tang wah andrew
hmm... a touching movie
and surprisingly i cried... twice
eh... it's a nice movie... jus tat watching it
in groups of 4... all males...
it sortof sounded gay...

hmm... so as a JC student
i constantly telling myself to work my ass off... until A is done
but as a 18 year old
i constantly asking myself am i doing the right thing...
hmm... a few more months
and alot of things will be decided
hmm... most likely
i wont get into the course i wan
and i hav no frigging idea wat course to take... no sure of it, at least
hmm... i guess...
do my best bah...

after A lvl will be...
hmm... so i guess i will be going in earlier
and coming out later
since i failed NAPFA
hmm... although not yet finalise
but i think it's hopeless
always look on the bright side of life...?
hmm... bo bian...
sometimes i regret not choosing poly
but then i think i will regret not chossing JC if i choose poly
hmm... hopefully my dream of having a shop of my own will happen...

no more random stuff to talk abt...
erm... guess the next time will be a looong time later



Sunday, June 01, 2008

hmm... haven blogged for quite some time
it's holiday... but no time to play

let's tok abt GP

it's... hope i can pass
econ... cant make it to the examination hall
coz for some reason... my back hurts like hell
cannot sit for long period of time
and... econ nv study much...
hmm...jus pray can retake...
mus at least try the paper... even though will nv pass

hmm... regarding this 'back pain' issue
cant do much abt it... jus hope will get better soon
truth is... i am very scared and worried
coz my dad oso got back pain... which requires sugery
and it's heredity... scare i kanna
den... napha sure fail liao... coz cannot run
den... NS mus go in earlier
sianz... it's jus not fair
i want to work hard
but my body fails on me
i cant even study well coz of back pain
sianz... it's a waste of human resource...

today whole family go out eat
to some place called lam chong(cant rmb)
hmm... i wish i can move to there
very lively... den my kids( if i hav any) will hav a meaningful life
hmm... there got a dessert shop
den i tell myself
... if i ever intend to tackle f&b economy... i should try for dessert shop
hmm... but many ppl say now s'poreans are health-consious
so... the desserts cant be tooo sweet... but it's still called dessert (?)

wish tat my back can make it for napha...
i jus wan a silver...
i even planned to exercise during this holiday...
y mus god do this to me...



Friday, May 09, 2008

hmm... let's try this:


I rmb it was on feb
i noticed something everyday when i go to school
hmm... on the bus... well if the time is right
there would be a gal sitting at the middle section left hand side of the bus
when i aboard the bus from my stop
then at the next stop
there will always be a guy who would aboard they bus
but nv sat down
erm... wat attracted my attention to them is tat
they are from my previous sec school...
and... it seems the gal and the guy are from the same class
since i sometimes see them wearing the same class tee
hmm... tat guy
there's something strange abt him...
hmm... it seems his eyes cant leave the gal for more than 9 secs

hmm... then one day
when i was going home from lot 1
saw those two together
maybe they were watching movie jus now
coz the gal's wearing jacket
hmm... they were not holding hands...
they do talk to each other
but it seems the gal's shy
hmm... then at the bus stop
saw them again
no surprise; i think we do stay in the same area
hmm... and tat day bus quite crowded
then the gal sat beside me
hmm... then guy stood beside her
hmm... so... i stood up and sat behind
about 5 seats away... cuz i wanna see wat happen
hmm... then the gal paused for few seconds
before sitting in despite being scare of cold
hmm... maybe giv tat guy chance?

recently saw they at Mc
chatting happily
when they leave Mc
it's like their shadow are one


ok... jus now wat u jus read...
are NOT real
it nv happened
tat was jus something i tot up
hmm... coz i think my blog quite boring
so think maybe can write story
but i suk at ending things... hmm
now let's start...

hmm... haven been happy lately
so some ppl would called it 'being emo'
hmm... maybe emotionless is better
hmm... maybe it's stress...
there's gp and econ... which suk like hell
and th 3 H2 subs... which i find it's getting harder
and it seems everyone is doing better than me...
got me worried... felt like i cannot catch up
and today
pon GP lesson
and teach give me more stress when she finally took action on those who pon...
i will not look forward to monday...
haiz... think i gotta think positively... otherwise
things will be veryvery bad...

hmm... sometimes really wish can blog anitime aniwhere
coz at any time when T=t, there are many things i wanna share
but when T=blogtime, ie now, i cannot think of anithing...

skill As...
i think i will do badly for phy...
coz no chance of practicing
coz teach say do groupwork
and knowing my handwriting
i got nochance of doing ani writing...
gotta work hard...
chem... 5 more days...

i hav been thinking of another story
hmm... trying to lengthening it
hmm... maybe until next year oso haven finish

erm... life is unfair
i m sure of it...
i can even prove it
whether it's acadamic
or frens
or life
family... i cant really say anithing to it
jus tat i envy those who keep in touch wif cousins...

hmm... haiz... hav to work hard...



Monday, April 21, 2008

thx guys!!!
hmm... gonna summarise everything very summarised-ly
coz almost no memories abt it liao...

19 april::

had parent-meeting session in late morning
erm... cant rmb wat she said le
onli rmb 'got potential'... 'many teachers show concern'...
hmm... try my best den...
den mum nagnag the same old stuff... mus study... work hard... don play too much...
hmm... tat's all...
den... afternoon
meet with ks play pool at jurong east
hmm... played abt 1 hr++
den caihua onli arrived after we played finished
coz she went out wif her family
hmm... den me and ks go eat
while cai hang wif her family for a while longer
before we all go to lot 1
hmm... go lot 1
play arcade (wat else can we do?)
hmm... after tat go food court slack
nv order anithing... jus slack
den suddenly
ks say he 20 april not free
den... i was like wtf tmd knn ccb wth pcb bbq
hmm... coz for the past 2-3 years
always celebrate with him and gang
coz his bd is 1 day after mine
hmm... wasnt very happy abt it... sad even
butbutbut... something happen!
aound 11pm
he say he free (suddenly)
so can go out
"it's destiny lah" said alex
erm... back to slack-at-food-court part
after tat... go cai house downstair chat
den go kian hong there chat and eat...
i nv eat... i not the hungry type...
hmm... chat abt alot of stuff
friends... past... my future(open shop)... school(sux)...
hmm... it's great for the mind...
den went home... end

hmm... on the way home
saw a couple
wear same clothes... aka qing lu zhuang
hmm... we sat the same bus
and... ya, they DO share 1.5 seat
hmm... noticed i like to 'stalk' on couples
maybe i envy them
maybe i curious
hmm... may all couple happily till no end

hmm... was reminded abt the past
thx to her... and her... but initially 'thx' to him...
i sortof wasted my life... abt 4 months of it...
hmm... Life Is Unpredictable
jus... good luck... time will be the best solution

20 april::

hmm... meet up wif thr gang
ks alex jingxian lcm zenyi bala junhong wenjie
hmm... went to party world @ orchard
sing sang song... had birthday cake
chocolate is delicious
den sing sang song until 6
den walk walk
go back lot 1
arcade arcade
seemed short, doesnt it?
but it's FUN!!!
jus tat... my brain no memory space
hmm... such thing onli happen once a year
esp when i now in JC
hmm... jus a few months more...

21 april::

erm... i found out i was gloomy during the morning
hmm... no special reason... jus cant start my engine
until lunch... den i felt more alive
hmm... maybe it's monday
maybe the celabration brought my guard down
hmm... watever...

erm... during the last few days
i tot of something to blog abt
but... within 2 hrs
i forgot le
should buy a notebook to write down my thoughts
otherwise this blog would be too boring
noticed i nv but up photo or vid on my blog?
coz i nv took pics... partially due to tech difficulty
hmm... i think
memories is important
but... feeling is more important
memories is a subset of feelings...
hmm... so don expect much from blog...

thx guys!!!



Monday, April 14, 2008

hmm... back here after a 'short break'
hmm... got back project work result
got B... hmm... while some ppl say like this...
i think otherwise... as if i nv contirbute
as if those two who left got contribute (much)
but aniways... thanks to everyone who hav a part in this...
hmm... done something...
which some ppl think is wrong... but i dont think so
i call this 'wei ming chu hai'... lol

hmm... this morning went to sch... bus as usual...
hmm... saw a gal from teck whye sec
and her boyfriend i think... not from ani school
coz he dye hair... but maybe poly
hmm... i think the guy is not very thoughtful
coz he tried to offer the inner seat to the gal
but she doesnt want it... i think coz inner seat is directly under air-con
as her bf i think he should be aware of this
den abt the gal... i guess she's sec 2-3... cant be sec 4 (no basis to prove)
and... somewhat immature
hmm... on the whole the couple is very lovey-dovey
erm... dunno to wat degree cuz i hearing mp3 cannot hear wat they say
wish tat someone can tell me whether my analyse is correct
wish tat i could read a person like a book easily...

today... pon GP!
hmm... actually onli yichuan and tangwah pon
but i think for 2 seconds...
wat's the point... nv do her homework...
and she (Gp teacher) doesnt seem to care
so pon... and yong sheng join in the fun
hmm... 1st yichuan go lot1 cut hair
on the way met melvin... he also go cut hair...
hmm... den yongsheng and tangwah oso cut hair... hmm...
den they go eat... i jus drank some drink...
now tat i think abt it...
i pon this lesson for nothing... but who cares...

hmm... tml is e-learning day
stay home and slack
nowadays internet very sucky
sometimes cannot go into certain web...

hmm... nth to blog abt...
tat's all



Wednesday, April 09, 2008

hmm... nowadays very slack...
cannot like tat...

erm... no feeling to start work
so come here blog
see can blog wat crap out

last two days very slacky
got nothing done
dunno y... no feeling to do anithing...
hmm... oso stop reading newspaper le...
either cannot find time
or nothing interesting to read abt
or no mood... hmm...

two days ago(monday)
got Phy SPA
hmm... luckily not like last time... but still made careless mistake... sianz...
hmm... let's look forward for skill A bah...

yesterday was a rainy day...
and becuz of rain
class hav mass PE... which totally sux
while all PE lesson sux... i find tis more sux-ky
hmm... let's not tok abt it
erm... after tat on my way home
hmm... hav to use umbrella since raining
den at traffic light there waiting
saw a gal... standing in the rain...
hmm... at 1st wanna ask her whether wan share umbrella
den... nv ask
hmm... had mixed feelings (and none of it is love Obviously)
hmm... i notice i act differently
when i am with friends and when i am with myself or strangers...
hmmm... is this bad?

to self: get started!!!

